Sunday, June 10, 2012

the nile.

Jinja Uganda - The Source of the River Nile

"Since ancient times the River Nile has been revered by man as a source of life, prosperity and great wonder. But never have more people been seduced, exhilarated and thrilled by this mighty river than by experiencing grade 5 white water rafting at its source in Uganda.

It’ll beat you, challenge you and have you screaming for more, and if you get too close it will suck you in and spit you straight back out again." 

Last weekend a group of us (Dana, Nate, Jake & another Laura)  took on the two day challenge and  rafted THE NILE!  We braved Class 5 & 6 rapids with Naithan, our super fabulous guide, from Nile River Explorers.  We hung on, we go tossed out... and I drank more river water than one woman should be allowed (who knows what's growing in my stomach now).  After Day 1 (8 rapids total) on the river, we enjoyed a peaceful night's rest at the Hairy Lemon Uganda - Crocodile Bunkhouse.  Day 2 involved larger rapids, and smaller "Divorce Boats" - it was totally insane and awesome.  Here are a few highlight pictures, and yes, there is a video lurking also for anyone who needs a good laugh...

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