Saturday, January 21, 2012


"To In-fin'ne. Ah. Be... NOW!!"
I've spent the better part of this evening listening out for these words. Also known as "To infinity... and beyond!" these are the words that my favorite person on this earth screams as he straps on his imaginary flight belt and prepares to jump - from whatever, whenever. You have to always be on guard.  At only 2 years old Colt already knows that I love him more than life itself. Whether I'm in the other room or even half asleep (both of which have happened tonight) I'll come running at the sound of these precious words. He never hesitates, and he never second guesses that I'll be right there under him to catch him mid-flight before he jumps. Thanks to the good Lord (and socked-feet on hardwood floors) I haven't missed yet - and don't plan to. I love how Colt, and Buzz Lightyear, are fearless. He's too young to think about what would happen if I missed. Me not being there isn't an option for Colt, and that truth tickles me pink and scares me to death at the same time.

Grace makes sense to kids. They’ve got the imagination and creativity and “anything is possible” attitude that can accept the unbelievable nature of grace, and it overflows into their faith. We adults are the ones who have a hard time with it. Somewhere mid-flight tonight I thought about how I want to be more like Colt. I want to strap on my flight belt and just jump into the arms of Jesus. Just as sure as Colt knows that I will always be there to catch him, I know that Christ has me before I even commit to jumping.  He's been waiting my whole life with open arms, just in case.  I love what He said in Matthew 18:3 - “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

Kids get grace.  They have faith.

I think Christ wants us to get it too.

That’s why I think he wants us to have faith like a child.

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